

本次是CS184的第二个project,主要内容是贝塞尔曲线和曲面,样条和曲面细分。包含了CS184 Spring2019课程第八节和第九节。Section1 是关于贝塞尔曲线和曲面的,Section2 是关于三角形mesh的曲面细分。涉及实现贝塞尔曲面的de Casteljau’s 算法。曲面细分需要用到一种图形学相关数据结构,主要是halfedge mesh这种数据结构。参考这篇文章

Section I: Bezier Curves and Surfaces

Part 1: Bezier curves with 1D de Casteljau subdivision


第一部分关于1D de Casteljau算法的实现,这个算法是比较常见的找到贝塞尔曲面上一点的方法。
需要修改 BezierCurve::evaluateStep 这个函数,BezierCurve 这个类有一个控制点的vector ,提前会把控制点加载进来。



BezierCurve 类有下面两个vectorevaluatedLevels[0] 就是初始的四个控制点(一阶控制点),evaluatedLevels[1]就是二阶控制点,依次类推。

    std::vector<Vector2D> controlPoints; // The original control points of the Bezier curve

    std::vector< std::vector<Vector2D> > evaluatedLevels; // Levels of points evaluated through de Casteljau


    void BezierCurve::evaluateStep()
        // TODO Part 1.
        // Perform one step of the Bezier curve's evaluation at t using de Casteljau's algorithm for subdivision.
        // Store all of the intermediate control points into the 2D vector evaluatedLevels.
        int maxLevel = numControlPoints;
        int currentLevel  = evaluatedLevels.size();
        if(currentLevel == maxLevel)
            std::vector<Vector2D> currentLevelPoints = evaluatedLevels[evaluatedLevels.size()-1];
            int nextLevelSize = currentLevelPoints.size() - 1;
            std::vector<Vector2D> newLevelPoints(nextLevelSize);
            for(int i = 0; i < nextLevelSize; i++)
                newLevelPoints[i] = currentLevelPoints[i] * (1 - t) + currentLevelPoints[i + 1] * t;



Part 2: Bezier surfaces with separable 1D de Casteljau subdivision


之后加入第三个维度,再次运用de Casteljau算法形成曲面。如下所示


实现两个函数,BezierPatch::evaluateBezierPatch::evaluate1D。首先和第一题一样controlPoints这个二维数组(假设是4*4),对每四个control point做一次1D de Casteljau,形成四个点,最后对这个四个点再做一次,得到曲面上的一点。

Vector3D BezierPatch::evaluate(double u, double v) const
        // TODO Part 2.
        // Evaluate the Bezier surface at parameters (u, v) through 2D de Casteljau subdivision.
        // (i.e. Unlike Part 1 where we performed one subdivision level per call to evaluateStep, this function
        // should apply de Casteljau's algorithm until it computes the final, evaluated point on the surface)
        // 现在第一次形成四条曲线用的参数u,第二次形成曲面用的参数v
        std::vector<Vector3D> p;
        for(int i = 0; i < controlPoints.size(); ++i){
            p.push_back(evaluate1D(controlPoints[i], u));
        return evaluate1D(p,v);

    Vector3D BezierPatch::evaluate1D(std::vector<Vector3D> points, double t) const
        // TODO Part 2.
        // Optional helper function that you might find useful to implement as an abstraction when implementing BezierPatch::evaluate.
        // Given an array of 4 points that lie on a single curve, evaluates the Bezier curve at parameter t using 1D de Casteljau subdivision.
        std::vector<Vector3D> tmpControlPoints(points);
        std::vector<Vector3D> finalControlPoints;

        while (tmpControlPoints.size() >= 2)
            for (int j = 1; j < tmpControlPoints.size(); j++) {
                Vector3D tmp(tmpControlPoints[j - 1] * (1 - t) + tmpControlPoints[j] * t);
            tmpControlPoints.assign(finalControlPoints.begin(), finalControlPoints.end());
        Vector3D result;
        if (!finalControlPoints.empty())
            result = finalControlPoints[0];
        return result;



../meshedit /bez/teapot.bez


Section II: Loop Subdivision of General Triangle Meshes


Part 3: Average normals for half-edge meshes



原因是计算光照的时候我们要用normal的信息,在本题之前是直接使用每个三角mesh的normal(也就是垂直于该平面的normal),然后采用一个光照模型比如phong shading。不使用vertex normal,直接用每个三角面的normal算光照的话单个三角面内的像素计算出来的颜色都一样
但是使用了vertex normal,比方说用phong shading,就是对三角面的三个顶点分别计算,这样三角形内的每个像素再根据这三个顶点做差值,所以显示出来的图像就是平滑的而不是一个个三角面。



只需要完成Vertex::normal这个函数,我们对于该顶点相邻的所有平面(三角形)normal加权求和,权重就是三角形的面积,也就是面积越大权重越大。那么怎么遍历所有的face呢?就是采用halfedgemesh这个数据结构,该数据结构是一整个mesh(有可能整个模型就这一个mesh),这个mesh包含了edgefacevertexhalfedge的链表。其的核心就是halfedge类,halfedge就是一个有向向量,每个halfedge都关联五个其他基本的几何单位,halfedge有指向起点vertex的iterator(c++中类似指针的一个概念),指向edgeface,下一个halfedgetwin halfedge(同一条edge上反方向的一个halfedge)的iterator,这样halfedge就像一个中枢站一样。如上图所示,每个vertex都有关联的一个halfedge,这个halfedge是任意一个以该vertex为起点的halfedge

         HalfedgeIter _twin; ///< halfedge on the "other side" of the edge
         HalfedgeIter _next; ///< next halfedge around the current face
         VertexIter _vertex; ///< vertex at the "base" or "root" of this halfedge
         EdgeIter _edge; ///< associated edge
         FaceIter _face; ///< face containing this halfedge

Vector3D Vertex::normal(void) const
        // TODO Part 3.
        // TODO Returns an approximate unit normal at this vertex, computed by
        // TODO taking the area-weighted average of the normals of neighboring
        // TODO triangles, then normalizing.

        Vector3D normal(0,0,0);         // initialize a vector to store your normal sum
        HalfedgeCIter h = halfedge();   // Since we're in a Vertex, this returns a halfedge
        HalfedgeCIter hConst = h;
        double sum = 0.;

            Vector3D nighborNormal(h->face()->normal());
            Vector3D v1(h->vertex()->position - (h->twin()->vertex())->position);
            Vector3D v2(h->vertex()->position - (h->twin()->next()->twin()->vertex()->position));
            double tmpWeight = cross(v1, v2).norm();
            sum += tmpWeight;
            normal += nighborNormal * tmpWeight;
            //std::cout<< "暂时输出normal为" << normal<<std::endl;
            h = h->twin()->next();
        }while(h != hConst);

        normal /= sum;
        return normal;



 ../meshedit /dae/teapot.dae

然后我们按下Q键,就会显示重新计算normal之后的模型,可以看到光滑了很多。 按下w键是切换到GLSL shader。

Part 4: Half-edge flip



#### 实现原理 这道题只要遵循[这篇guide](就不会有什么问题了,就是一些繁琐的操作。但是思路很好,先把图画出来,原先有哪些edge,vertex,halfedge,face,然后在画出flip之后的图,看看这四种基本几何单位又有哪些。然后修改各个类的iterator指向就完事儿了。我的实现和guide中的图一致。
EdgeIter HalfedgeMesh::flipEdge(EdgeIter e0)
        // TODO Part 4.
        // TODO This method should flip the given edge and return an iterator to the flipped edge.
        // 首先获取所有的可能改变的元素

        FaceIter f0 = e0->halfedge()->face();
        FaceIter f1 = e0->halfedge()->twin()->face();

        if(f0->isBoundary() || f1->isBoundary())
            return e0;

        HalfedgeIter h0 = e0->halfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h1 = h0->next();
        HalfedgeIter h2 = h1->next();
        HalfedgeIter h3 = h0->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h4 = h3->next();
        HalfedgeIter h5 = h4->next();
        HalfedgeIter h6 = h1->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h7 = h2->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h8 = h4->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h9 = h5->twin();

        VertexIter v0 = h0->vertex();
        VertexIter v1 = h3->vertex();
        VertexIter v2 = h6->vertex();
        VertexIter v3 = h8->vertex();

        EdgeIter e1 = h1->edge();
        EdgeIter e2 = h2->edge();
        EdgeIter e3 = h4->edge();
        EdgeIter e4 = h5->edge();

        h0->next() = h1;
        h0->twin() = h3;
        h0->face() = f0;
        h0->vertex() = v3;
        h0->edge() = e0;

        h1->next() = h2;
        h1->twin() = h7;
        h1->face() = f0;
        h1->vertex() = v2;
        h1->edge() = e2;

        h2->next() = h0;
        h2->twin() = h8;
        h2->face() = f0;
        h2->vertex() = v0;
        h2->edge() = e3;

        h3->next() = h4;
        h3->twin() = h0;
        h3->face() = f1;
        h3->vertex() = v2;
        h3->edge() = e0;

        h4->next() = h5;
        h4->twin() = h9;
        h4->face() = f1;
        h4->vertex() = v3;
        h4->edge() = e4;

        h5->next() = h3;
        h5->twin() = h6;
        h5->face() = f1;
        h5->vertex() = v1;
        h5->edge() = e1;

        h6->next() = h6->next();
        h6->twin() = h5;
        h6->face() = h6->face();
        h6->vertex() = v2;
        h6->edge() = e1;

        h7->next() = h7->next();
        h7->twin() = h1;
        h7->face() = h7->face();
        h7->vertex() = v0;
        h7->edge() = e2;

        h8->next() = h8->next();
        h8->twin() = h2;
        h8->face() = h8->face();
        h8->vertex() = v3;
        h8->edge() = e3;

        h9->next() = h9->next();
        h9->twin() = h4;
        h9->face() = h9->face();
        h9->vertex() = v1;
        h9->edge() = e4;

        v0->halfedge() = h2;
        v1->halfedge() = h5;
        v2->halfedge() = h3;
        v3->halfedge() = h0;

        e0->halfedge() = h0;
        e1->halfedge() = h5;
        e2->halfedge() = h1;
        e3->halfedge() = h2;
        e4->halfedge() = h4;

        f0->halfedge() = h0;
        f1->halfedge() = h3;
        return e0;

#### 运行结果 在GUI界面中选中边,然后按下S键即可。

Part 5: Half-edge split





VertexIter HalfedgeMesh::splitEdge(EdgeIter e0)
        // TODO Part 5.
        // TODO This method should split the given edge and return an iterator to the newly inserted vertex.
        // TODO The halfedge of this vertex should point along the edge that was split, rather than the new edges.

        FaceIter f0 = e0->halfedge()->face();
        FaceIter f1 = e0->halfedge()->twin()->face();

        if(f0->isBoundary() || f1->isBoundary())
            return e0->halfedge()->vertex();

        HalfedgeIter h0 = e0->halfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h1 = h0->next();
        HalfedgeIter h2 = h1->next();
        HalfedgeIter h3 = h0->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h4 = h3->next();
        HalfedgeIter h5 = h4->next();
        HalfedgeIter h6 = h1->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h7 = h2->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h8 = h4->twin();
        HalfedgeIter h9 = h5->twin();

        VertexIter v0 = h0->vertex();
        VertexIter v1 = h3->vertex();
        VertexIter v2 = h6->vertex();
        VertexIter v3 = h8->vertex();

        EdgeIter e1 = h1->edge();
        EdgeIter e2 = h2->edge();
        EdgeIter e3 = h4->edge();
        EdgeIter e4 = h5->edge();


        EdgeIter e5 = newEdge();
        EdgeIter e6 = newEdge();
        EdgeIter e7 = newEdge();

        HalfedgeIter h10 = newHalfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h11 = newHalfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h12 = newHalfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h13 = newHalfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h14 = newHalfedge();
        HalfedgeIter h15 = newHalfedge();

        FaceIter f2 = newFace();
        FaceIter f3 = newFace();

        VertexIter v4 = newVertex();
        v4->position = (v1->position + v0->position) / 2;

        h0->setNeighbors(h1, h3, v4, e0, f0);

        h1->setNeighbors(h10, h6, v1, e1, f0);

        h2->setNeighbors(h14, h7, v2, e2, f3);

        h3->setNeighbors(h11, h0, v1, e0, f1);

        h4->setNeighbors(h12, h8, v0, e3, f2);

        h5->setNeighbors(h3, h9, v3, e4, f1);

        h6->setNeighbors(h6->next(), h1, v2, e1, h6->face());

        h7->setNeighbors(h7->next(), h2, v0, e2, h7->face());

        h8->setNeighbors(h8->next(), h4, v3, e3, h8->face());

        h9->setNeighbors(h9->next(), h5, v1, e4, h9->face());

        h10->setNeighbors(h0, h15, v2, e5, f0);

        h11->setNeighbors(h5, h12, v4, e7, f1);

        h12->setNeighbors(h13, h11, v3, e7, f2);

        h13->setNeighbors(h4, h14, v4, e6, f2);

        h14->setNeighbors(h15, h13, v0, e6, f3);

        h15->setNeighbors(h2, h10, v4, e5, f3);

        e0->halfedge() = h0;
        e1->halfedge() = h1;
        e2->halfedge() = h2;
        e3->halfedge() = h4;
        e4->halfedge() = h5;
        e5->halfedge() = h10;
        e6->halfedge() = h14;
        e7->halfedge() = h11;

        f0->halfedge() = h0;
        f1->halfedge() = h3;
        f2->halfedge() = h4;
        f3->halfedge() = h2;

        v0->halfedge() = h4;
        v1->halfedge() = h3;
        v2->halfedge() = h2;
        v3->halfedge() = h5;
        v4->halfedge() = h0;
        return v4;



Part 6: Loop subdivision for mesh upsampling




  • (1)首先遍历mesh中的全部顶点,将每个顶点的isNew属性标记为false,同时计算每个顶点在曲面细分之后的新位置,存在该顶点的newPosition属性之中。 计算方法如下,新创建的点根据八分之三,八分之一的权重加权求和。旧的顶点在曲面细分之后也会有一个新的位置,计算方式也是加权求和,与自身相邻的顶点权重是u,自身权重是1-(n*u)。

  • (2)然后遍历全部的edge,确定将要创建的新点的位置。

  • (3) 创建一个新的originEdgeList,这里之所以要复制一个Edgelist,而且这个list存储的是指向指向edge的iterator的iterator。


  • (4)split全部的edge,记住要遍历originEdgeList,然后设置新创建的订点的newPosition属性以及新创建的edge的isNew属性。这些属性的设置非常关键!!!因为倒数第二步的时候会根据这些属性来决定那些边需要flip。

  • (5)flip所有连接 新顶点旧顶点新边!!!之所以先split再flip是这样实现起来方便一些。

  • (6)再次遍历一遍所有的顶点,将每个顶点的新位置覆盖当前位置。

    void MeshResampler::upsample(HalfedgeMesh &mesh)
        // TODO Part 6.
        // This routine should increase the number of triangles in the mesh using Loop subdivision.
        // Each vertex and edge of the original surface can be associated with a vertex in the new (subdivided) surface.
        // Therefore, our strategy for computing the subdivided vertex locations is to *first* compute the new positions
        // using the connectity of the original (coarse) mesh; navigating this mesh will be much easier than navigating
        // the new subdivided (fine) mesh, which has more elements to traverse. We will then assign vertex positions in
        // the new mesh based on the values we computed for the original mesh.

        // TODO Compute new positions for all the vertices in the input mesh, using the Loop subdivision rule,
        // TODO and store them in Vertex::newPosition. At this point, we also want to mark each vertex as being
        // TODO a vertex of the original mesh.
        // 第一步,计算旧顶点的新位置同时标记isNew为false。
        for(auto it = mesh.verticesBegin(); it!= mesh.verticesEnd(); it++)
            it->isNew = false;
            Vector3D newPosition(0, 0, 0);
            float sum = 0;
            auto nit = it->halfedge()->twin();
            auto originNit = nit;
            auto n = it->degree();
            float u = (n == 3) ? (3.0/16.0) : (3.0 / (8.0 * n));
                sum += u;
                newPosition = newPosition + u * (nit->vertex()->position);
                nit = nit->next()->twin();
            }while (nit != originNit);
            sum += 1 - n*u;
            newPosition = newPosition + (1.0 - n*u) * it->position;
            newPosition = newPosition / sum;
            it->newPosition = newPosition;

        // TODO Next, compute the updated vertex positions associated with edges, and store it in Edge::newPosition.

        for(auto it = mesh.edgesBegin(); it!=mesh.edgesEnd(); it++)
            Vector3D newPosition(0, 0, 0);
            if(it->halfedge()->face()->isBoundary() || it->halfedge()->twin()->face()->isBoundary())
                newPosition = it->halfedge()->vertex()->position / 2.0 + it->halfedge()->twin()->vertex()->position / 2.0;
                Vector3D v0 = it->halfedge()->vertex()->position;
                Vector3D v1 = it->halfedge()->twin()->vertex()->position;
                Vector3D v2 = it->halfedge()->next()->twin()->vertex()->position;
                Vector3D v3 = it->halfedge()->twin()->next()->twin()->vertex()->position;
                //注意啦,这里也被round to zero了,记住浮点数
                newPosition = v0 * 3.0/8.0 + v1 * 3.0/8.0 + v2 * 1.0/8.0 + v3 * 1.0/8.0;
            it->newPosition = newPosition;

        // TODO Next, we're going to split every edge in the mesh, in any order.  For future
        // TODO reference, we're also going to store some information about which subdivided
        // TODO edges come from splitting an edge in the original mesh, and which edges are new,
        // TODO by setting the flat Edge::isNew.  Note that in this loop, we only want to iterate
        // TODO over edges of the original mesh---otherwise, we'll end up splitting edges that we
        // TODO just split (and the loop will never end!)

        vector<EdgeIter> originEdgeList;
        auto copyIt = mesh.edgesBegin();
            auto newIt = copyIt;
            newIt->isNew = false;               //一开始遍历的时候每次都改成false
        }while(copyIt != mesh.edgesEnd());

        int countIt = 0;
        for(auto it = originEdgeList.begin(); it != originEdgeList.end(); it++)
            // 返回split之后的点
            auto v = mesh.splitEdge(*it);
            // 注意isNew的修改,这里将除了最初的edge以外的新创建的edge全部改为true;
            v->isNew = true;
            // newPosition 到 position的时候就为空了。
            v->newPosition = (*it)->newPosition;

            auto newHalfIt = v->halfedge();

            newHalfIt->edge()->isNew = false;
            newHalfIt->twin()->next()->edge()->isNew = true;
            newHalfIt->twin()->next()->twin()->next()->edge()->isNew = false;
            newHalfIt->next()->next()->edge()->isNew = true;

        // TODO Now flip any new edge that connects an old and new vertex.
        // 第五步,flip所有连接新点和旧点的新边。
        for(auto it = mesh.edgesBegin(); it != mesh.edgesEnd(); it++)
            // != 与异或的功能一致
            if(it->halfedge()->vertex()->isNew != it->halfedge()->twin()->vertex()->isNew )

        // TODO Finally, copy the new vertex positions into final Vertex::position.
        // 第六步,最后遍历一遍全部顶点,将新位置赋值给当前位置
        for(auto it = mesh.verticesBegin(); it != mesh.verticesEnd(); it++)
            it->position = it->newPosition;





这次project的前面部分是比上一个简单一些的,通过这次project,基本上了解了贝塞尔曲线,de Casteljau算法,曲面细分,一个很有意思的数据结构halfedgemesh。但是感觉自己的知识还是很浅薄啊,尚需努力,我可是要立志成为图形学master的男人啊kora!!!

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